rayton wax

Primal Ascendancy, Tendo, Kogan, Nehomium, Kaizen, Daryon, Primal energies
Primal Ascendancy, Tendo, Kogan, Nehomium, Kaizen, Daryon, Primal energies

Explore the world of Primal Energies and dive into the adventures of the powerful NeHomium in a fascinating yet tumultuous new era, where humanity stands at the most crucial turning point in its history as a civilization.

Cyborgs striving for transcendence, AIs that have reached Singularity, and hidden forces vying for domination clash in a battle to shape the path forward.

Join Kogan, the prodigious Subject Zero of a new evolutionary lineage, as he unleashes his supernatural potential and contemplates profound existential questions in search of his purpose and destiny.